Just Me & My Box
Sunday, December 04, 2005
"..All I want is silver and gold.. "
- Tom Sullivan, The Rule Of Four

Well, this blog has little readers. Basically, i want it that way as i only give this website to those that i trust or whom i regard as really good friends. So if you are viewing it, cheers!

Anyway, my topic for the day is, Silver and Gold. Whatever im going to say below, is really, let's say common sense in investment or economics. But nevertheless, im going to give my 1 cent worth of investment thoughts.

Over the past 2 years, ive been observing the stock markets in general. In my opinion, if i really want to invest in something safe and obscure, i'll choose to invest in Gold. Yes, precious metal and minerals. But why gold you may want to ask? Yes, gold may not bring about short term returns such as investing in stocks or equities. On top of that, investing in gold, its also require a heavy amt of capital. So the short coming of investing in gold, simply put it, is heavy investment and little returns.

However, in my opinion, i still see that gold still has some potential worth investing. This is especially so in time of crisis. Investing in gold is like a form of safety net. Though its of heavy investment, the risks invovled is lower as compared to stocks. These can be seen through examples of the past. For example, in 1985 where the stock market crashed, the value of gold shot up. This is definitely not an isolated incident. Look at the recent value of gold. A week back, the value of gold was US $55 per once. This rise in value of gold is due to the market fear of rising value of oil. Besides, this is not the first time that gold has risen during turbulent period. Thus, people tend to look upon to gold during time of crisis. Its the same for other precious metal, however not as great in value as gold. The next best metal closest to gold in terms of invesment is most probably platanium.

Besides being a safety precaution during difficult periods, its also something that worth looking in the long run. Since oil is limited in resource and depleting fast, gold is something to look upon. I assume in my opinion that there's this invisible relationship between gold and crisis..

Ok.. i'll apologised. Dont listen to what ive said. Well. just dont invest in this form of gold. The gold that im talking abt on the top is "paper gold" not the solid gold. ok..till then..
12:57 PM;

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Jasper Tan
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